Friday, November 11, 2011

RANT - $4.3M for this?

I rarely, if ever criticize others art preferences - who's to say one person's Gainsborough is better than another's Liechtenstein? And while I may not covet one artist's "yard-square patch of grass" art installation, it's fair game for anyone else to crave it. 

However, when some dipstick pays FOUR MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS for a dull as ditchwater photo of a bit of indiscriminate water, someone needs to say "Oi! Double You Tee Eff!" And today, that "someone" is me.

Yesterday, an un-named collector stumped up $4.3m at a Christie's auction for this 1999 (yes, it's not even an old classic) photograph of 50 yards of the river Rhine.

You'd probably be hard-pushed to pay that for a freaking mansion on the banks of The Rhine, let alone this underwhelming snap of the grey river. 

The 1999 photograph by German artist Andreas Gursky. Titled "Rhein II," is a chromogenic color print face-mounted to acrylic glass.

No, even with that additional data it's not worth 4.3 dollars, let alone 4.3 million!

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