Thursday, November 6, 2014

RAVE - Nightcrawler

A Nightcrawler is a video cameraman who chases police crews investigating crime scenes during the night, shooting video he then sells to news stations.

Jake Gyllenhall plays a low-life LA resident who makes a meager living stealing chain-link fencing and man-holes from the street, selling them to scrap metal merchants. He happens upon a car crash and sees a guy capturing the scene on video as the police pull an injured woman from the wrecked car.

His instincts tell him there's an opportunity to make some money from this, so he trades a stolen bike for a video camera and police scanner, hires a down-on-his-luck Riz Ahmed as his navigator and scanner listener and the two begin their night-time activities: listening for the police radio codes signifying crashes, shootings, home invasions and other mayhem then driving to the scene pressing their camera into the (preferably) bloody action.

The film uses Gyllenhall's character's despicable nature and non-existent moral code, and TV News Director Rene Russo's equally despicable focus on broadcasting the nastiest of that mayhem to suck in audiences.

This makes for a pulse-pounding film that examines the motives and morals of the people behind the news we watch on TV.

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