Monday, August 11, 2014


Named after the alleged first ape from which we're all descended, Lucy is a woman duped into delivering a suitcase supposedly containing papers to a gang boss at his Taiwan hotel.

Surprise, surprise the suitcase contains not papers, but a powerful, brain-enhancing drug. Bags of the drug are implanted to Lucy's and three other unfortunates' intestines, and they're sent on their way to Paris, Rome, and Berlin (I think).

Lucy's package starts to leak, and her brainpower expands accordingly, from the basic sub-10% of its capacity that us humans normally use.

What transpires is visually interesting, but full of illogicality, inconsistency, and pointlessness.

Morgan Freeman files one of his standard 'egg-head without a clue' performances, while Scarlett Johansson shows that she's a lot hotter than Lucy's name-sake.

All in all, barely worth the time it took to watch.

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