Sunday, May 18, 2014

RAVE - Godzilla

Despite my regular rants against comic book rehashes like - oh, the list is far too long to repeat here - I have a soft spot for zombies, sci-fi, and monsters. As did many of the nerds who applauded the title roll, the first appearance of, and then the actions of this gargantuan but unlikely hero at last night's IMAX 3D showing. Especially when our leathery do-gooder blasted a river of white hot, nuclear breath down the throat of a feisty MUTO (the necessary acronym for a clumsily-named Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism).

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

While light years ahead of previous iterations of this famous rampaging beast - with its stop-start, plasticine animation - this monster was more realistic than any Godzilla I've seen before, although not up to Jurassic Park level.

Despite my pickiness, the fact that the last hour of the movie featured Big G, two MUTOs, and various representatives from our overladen but inevitably insufficiently-armed military laying waste to downtown San Francisco added for this audience in, er, downtown San Francisco a certain je ne sais quaaaaagghh to the whole affair.

The evening was capped when one of the theater's escalators abruptly halted, sending dozens of outward-bound film goers stumbling while one wag shouted "Godzilla" and we all waited for the crash of glass towers and a giant reptilian foot to .........

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