Tuesday, December 10, 2013

RANT - The Butler

You would think the story of a man who was the butler at The White House for 8 Presidents would at least be interesting. How wrong you'd be.

This is dull as ditch water. And it's made duller by that dreariest of actors Forest Whitaker, who shuffles around speaking in a monotone, as he always does. It's not saved by the many actors - Maria Carey, Vanessa Redgrave, Terrance Howard, Cuba Gooding, Robin Williams, John Cusack, Liev Schriber, and Alan Rickman - who play the bit parts of the various presidents and dignitaries.

This was like watching a three hour edition of The View, with all of the interesting bits taken out. I apologize to any of you who don't live in the USA for using that analogy, as you haven't had the dubious pleasure of watching a sofa laden with overweight, middle-aged women blather on about whatever passes their low to no radar.

Needless to say, 1000 lbs of female review team though this film was great. Bah!

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