Wednesday, June 26, 2013

RAVE - World War Z

My love of Zombie movies basically starts and ends with The Walking Dead. It's certainly not
original - Zombie movies rarely stray far from the basic plot.

World War Z does however. It starts with a rabies-like virus that spreads around the world like wildfire. Our hero, Brad Pitt is sent off by his old bosses in the Army to look into the earliest victims and the potential source of the virus in South Korea. That's the first step in a whirlwind hunt for a vaccine.

What's different in this telling of the familiar Zombie story is that these critters move fast. Rather than lumbering around in a threatening but too slow to be really dangerous fashion, these Zombies are energized by their disease. They swarm like ants along streets, over walls and buildings.

There's one section of the movie that's a bit far-fetched, which considering it's a freaking Zombie movie is saying something. Alright, it's all far-fetched, but one bit - and I can't tell you which bit it is, as that would be revealing a major part of the action - is totally unrealistic. You'll just have to see World War Z and decide for yourself.

It's well worth a visit to your local blockbuster-plex.

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