Sunday, September 2, 2012

RAVE - Redd Wood, Yountville

While it'd be hard to justify a trip to Napa just for pizza, if you had to this would be the pizza to use for that justification.

The owners of our favorite restaurant in the Napa Valley, Redd in Yountville, have done the decent thing and opened a second place in the same town. This one is called Redd Wood, and focuses on pizza and pasta.

Almost directly opposite The French Laundry, Redd Wood has a lot to live up to, both from its parent and its neighbors.

There can be nothing finer than to be sat in the sunny courtyard, sipping a chilled Pinot Grigio and munching on any one of their delicious dishes. The crust is crispy, underneath as well as around the edges, and the ingredients were as fresh as one could wish for.

The quick one hour drive gives the lucky passenger a chance to snooze in the sun and awake refreshed to battle for another evening on the sofa. Ahhhhhh .....

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