Friday, October 14, 2011

RAVE - PGA Hopefuls in Palm Springs

Probably should've said "PGA No-Hopefuls in Palm Springs", but our general lack of skill with the golf  stick thingies was more than offset by the great company, our enthusiasm and good humor.

Lawrence, Gareth (pictured here in one of those rare 'not entirely horrible swing' moments), Amo and I spent Friday through Monday in Palm Springs, golfing at Cimarron Golf Resort on Saturday and Indian Canyon Golf Resort on Sunday.

Both days were scalding, with temperatures in the high 90s, but we were ready for that with our shorts, hats, and ice-boxes.

We rented a house through, and spent most of our down-time in or near the pool and hot tub.

Palm Springs had just enough to keep us occupied restaurant- and bar-wise along Palm Canyon Drive through downtown.

The heat sapped our strength a bit, so there were no disgustingly-late nights.

I don't know if I could spend longer there, as the heat would get to me, especially considering it's nearly "winter" there. Of course, "winter" in Palm Springs is like night-time on the sun - still way too hot for most normal humans.

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