Tuesday, March 23, 2010

REVIEW - Tut Tut, Tutankhamun

First of all, this is a beauty of an exhibit.

There's no denying that the Egyptians knew how to whittle.

But - and this is a big "but" - if you've been looking forward to seeing the King Tut exhibit at the de Young Museum, THERE'S NO KING TUT THERE!

The images you see in all the ads, of a golden masque from his famous coffin, suggest that what you'll see at the de Young is, er, the famous sarcophagous. What you see instead, is a selection of artefacts removed from the burial chamber, and projected images of the coffin.

It's like going to NASA and seeing moon rocks and spacesuits, but only slide shows of rockets and landing craft.

I have to be careful because my lovely cousin-in-law bought me the ticket, and sometimes when she's not shopping or having coffee with her friends she looks at this blog, and I don't want her to think I'm not grateful for the ticket and company. I was and I am.

To be honest, I think the 3 of us felt a little let down by the non-appearance of the coffin.

That curse must be true.

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