Monday, August 17, 2009

RANT - Product labels that take hours to remove

Having just spent 3 days soaking, drying, soaking, and scraping, to get 4 "Made in China" stickers off some new light fittings, I thought a potentially petty rant was in order. I know retailers don't want people switching one price label for a cheaper one while fiddling with products in a store, but why do they use cheap 'n nasty labels that require a flamethrower to remove them?

Next time I'm in a store and like the look of something, but see that it's got awkward stickers on it, I'll try to remember to say to a member of staff, "You remove these stickers while I wander around and do the rest of my shopping. I'll be about 30 minutes. If, by the time I get back, you've got those labels off, I'll buy the product".

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